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Scouse House

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  1. Hey everyone, i wondered if it would be possible to make a HD client for zaros. I see alot of videos on people making OSRS HD clients and they look amazing. I know Jagex has a real problem with using them with messing up there bot detection and what not, but would it be possible to make one for zaros? I'll leave a video to the A Friend video just for reference if you feel like having a look. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ONiEipphyjg FYI: This isnt the OSRS HD client that was denied by Jagex a few years ago, this one is open source from what i remember.
  2. Can someone explain to me exactly what they do?
  3. Hey everyone, i thought it would be a good idea to put a search bar in the main teleport page. Gets a bit annoying having to search for places by eye when a search bar would be much better Also, give us the option to change where our home teleports go. For example, have my left click home able to be changed to ::dzone instead of having to type the command Thats all i have for now but thanks for reading if u made it this far.
  4. Hey, i bought a $25 scroll and it told me it was successful, i recieved nothing so i tried again just incase & still nothing. Any help would be good i know everything must be hectic right now with the release day
  5. Discord username: TheAngryScouser Do you have any experience when it comes to bug-testing: Not a RSPS, but i have beta tested alot of console games How knowledgeable would you say you are when it comes to Runescape/Oldschool Runescape: My runescape knowlege is very good, my main account is cb 109, thats not to mention the zerker, mage, range, 10hp pure accounts over the years i have forgotten, my total level is only low due to just loosing interest in osrs & focusing on RSPS Runescape username & total level: RustieBullet 1466 How do you feel you'd be useful in testing Zaros: I have a keen eye for bugs & glitches that can be abused, i enjoy playing servers where the economy is stable and every player has the same chance, so bugs/glitches that people can abuse dont sit well with me How many hours do you plan on spending per week on average testing: i have a son i look after full time as a single father, but anytime i can get on my laptop i should be on
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