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Posts posted by Nihilus

  1. On 12/15/2020 at 9:41 AM, 100M said:

    What a waste of time the last week has been. If I had known this server would have been overhyped just to have CONSTANT issues I would have never joined. After losing 150M to a rollback last night and being told my staff to make a report and doing so only for it to be completely ignored im done. Going back to OSRS where my time and efforts aren't wasted and the game actually works as intended. Zaros exists only to collect donations from people who feel its actually going somewhere when in reality the only place its going is downhill fast.

    Quit while you're ahead.


    This server is nothing but a fucking problem, that nobody tries to solve. They keep trying to cover up their mistakes and keep claiming their donation money, but don't worry David this won't go on for long when you treat your player base the way you do.


    Zaros, you have given me nothing but reason to Uninstall your app based off your poor ability to handle the situation last night. Too many people lost too many things and my voice went unheard in the bug reports section leaving me at a loss of 150M coins, which I'm not going to reattempt to make back.

    I haven't played the server too much yet. I've got 1 Days worth of play time so far, and I haven't run into any issues as of yet. So "Constant issues" seems like a bit of a stretch. Not for nothing, but the server is still very new. There's going to be hiccups along the way. That's one of the risks we all took when we all started playing so close to the initial release of the server. I'm sure that they're still (and guaranteed to always be) working out kinks and conducting bug fixes, so that rollbacks won't happen, but you shouldn't quit just because of a minor set back.

    The donations comment is a bit of a force. Likewise with the downhill comment. This server has had some of the most impressive player numbers that I have seen since I've started playing RSPS's 12 years ago, so saying that the server is going downhill based off a small rollback is an incredible slippery slope.

    You have to remember too, that with the amount of people that actually play the server means that there's going to be a lot of people also making Help Desk related claims on the forums, and if you haven't noticed, they're still working on their Staff Team, so not everything is going to happen in an instant. Also, just to mention, it is incredibly rare for RSPS's to offer a "Refund" Help Desk Service. There's a lot of factors to consider when dealing with this kind of service, and as someone who actually did conduct refunds for players lost/hacked items, it's more of a hassle than you would probably imagine. There's tons of log checking and background investigation work that takes place.

    I'd encourage you to have a little patience with the Development, Ownership, and Staff Team, but something tells me that you've lost the capacity for that. So, for what it's worth, I wish you good luck with whatever the future holds for you.

  2. Personally, I love the design. I love it more so, because you can remove the white siding, and customize it however you'd like (I've already seen multiple people customize it so it's all black).

    Too bad it's basically been sold out everywhere. Otherwise I'd be playing that instead of this 😛

  3. Played Runescape back in 2007. I was 12, and in 7th grade. One of my friends got me into it. Then in 2008, I found out RSPS's existed, which was just an easier version of RS lol. Been playing them ever since. Last RSPS that I played, I started playing in 2014, and have been there since. Now this came out, and I've been here for the past week and a half or so.

  4. Slayer is always a good source of income. You could also become a skiller, or at least train up your non combat skills and then sell whatever you don't need.

  5. My username is based off of Darth Nihilus from the expanded Universe of Star Wars, specifically from the video game, Knights of the Old Republic 2. The character was so powerful in the force, that he could "eat" entire planets, and drain the life force from every living thing from the planet, and eventually the planet itself.

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