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Everything posted by Nihilus

  1. Welcome! Hope to see you around! Enjoy your stay!
  2. Welcome! What is your favorite pizza topping? Bacon all day for me.
  3. Welcome! Hope you enjoy your stay here!
  4. Honestly I think the Multiplayer gameplay in Modern Warfare had a better flow to it. I think that Activision does well when it comes to making weapon skins, but besides that and zombies, I feel like it still needs a lot of work to be done to it.
  5. Same. Modern Warfare was so much better.
  6. Probably just to max out my skills and hang out tbh. Use it as a place to meet people from all over the globe.
  7. Nihilus

    Favourite Movie(s)

    There’s honestly so many to choose from. Obviously from my name you can tell that I’m a major Star Wars fan so there’s that. I’m also big into History movies too. Pearl Harbor, The Patriot, Saving Private Ryan are all great movies. Also a huge Marvel fan (I actually tried to get the username “Thor” cause he’s my favorite character but it was already taken). Lord of The Rings is also a great trilogy.
  8. I don’t see anything wrong with adding a QA team. Support.
  9. Billions and Billions and Billions and Billions
  10. Welcome! Some experience is better than no experience! I look forward to catching up with you in game!
  11. Hello, I’m unsure if this is already possible on the desktop version of the forums, but in particular, on the Mobile version of the forums, I have to log back in every time, even though I have the “Remember Me” box checked. Would it be possible to make a minor change to this so that the forums legitimately “Remembers” you and/or the device you’re using and automatically logs you in when you go into the forums? I’m running on an iPhone, so I’m not sure if this is happening to everyone or just me. Respectfully, Nihilus
  12. Thanks my dude. Hope we all have a ton of fun!
  13. Hey Sony. Still waiting on a PS5 restock. Hope you enjoy the server!
  14. Nihilus

    Donator shop

    Personally, I’m against adding anything into Donator stores that could (or should) be able to be obtained through normal means, which in this case would be the GWD. I’m all for giving donators an edge, but if it were me, and I’ll keep using the AGS as an example, if it were me, I’d want to have easier access to get into the GWD bosses. So instead of me being required to kill, let’s say 50 GWD NPC’s for a kill count, it would drop to 40 or 30. That way it’s still fun, you still have to put in the work, which still makes the drop rewarding instead of just being “pay this much and you can get this item”.
  15. Nihilus


    Welcome! Enjoy your stay!
  16. Nihilus

    its me

    Welcome! Hope you enjoy your stay!
  17. Nihilus


    I’m about 47 hours into it, still haven’t finished the main story. So far it’s awesome. It does have a few bugs, some of which are actually pretty funny. I have had the game crash on me a few random times which has been a bit irritating, but the game is great. I highly recommend it.
  18. That’s one hell of a username lol. What’s up?
  19. Thanks everyone! Appreciate the warm welcome!
  20. Already joined up. Just waiting for the 10 Minute time limit to expire. Thanks!
  21. Thank you both! I take it that the November 27th release was unsuccessful?
  22. Hello everyone, My name is Nihilus (after Darth Nihilus), or you could call me by my real name Chris. I''m 26 years old, and have been playing Runescape Private Servers since around August of 2008. I come from a long line of past servers, some of which I still log into to check in on old friends. I hope I can make new ones here as well. If anyone would like a deeper dive into myself, feel free to PM me. Respectfully, Nihilus
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