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Everything posted by glod

  1. glod


    100% support this. minor bugs need fixing and new improvements should be made to make pking great
  2. The gold sinks for pking are much worse than the gains one makes from blood money. Considering 5-6 total ppl pk and this was/is a big problem, something should be done. Either buffing pking rewards or nerfing the cost of death. When i kill ppl their untrades cost more then their loot lol
  3. Rune pouch, the parchment capes (blood money is 28k each making thse items cost tons) the imbuement on my ring my suggestion is to break some of the mechanics in the game to make it less aids. Make it so NO item break or lose parchment at ::pvp
  4. yeah i just died in a for fun fight and i lost like 30m in untradeables. make it less aids to dies by getting rid of needing to repair/fix items when dying at ::pvp also please add a command for the white portal at lms make it ::funpk. and add a restoration pool + bank there please.
  5. Make it mandatory there are 3 nh tournys ( the most skillfull tourney) give nh tourney dcb and a seers ring (i) or brimstone ring remove zerk brid tourney. make it so players need 5 hrs play time during the week to participate in tourneys
  6. Not much support for this... if i cant get the wildy bosses to drop bis items for pking(claws/bandos/armadyl) then wildy items that are bis for pvming shouldnt be given non wildy alternatives. If they want to add the mage training arena like osrs has it then they can make it available that way. But with the current state of the wildy theres like 3 people that pk and they arent even good so not really risky anyway
  7. Allow people to opt out of bounty hunter. forces pkers to go to hotspots to find pvmers to kill instead of waiting at the ferox safezone unable to get attacked waiting for a target with no negatives. At the moment target to tele does not encourage pking against other pkers. to mend the lost blood money/emblem upgrades both should be boosted heavily. So that emblems have 100% chance of upgrading per kill and 30 blood money MINIMUM given per kill
  8. They should just allow people to opt out of target to tele (give some sort of fee or negative to opting out of this)
  9. Support 100% irons should be able to use tele to bounty. Not sure why they wouldnt be able to. Irons can pick up caskets and kill galvek but cant do keys (well they can but the reward is shit and pointless) and they cant use bounty tele which is the only way people pk now a days in the wilderness. Make this content available and REWARDING to ironmen considering 99% of the server is irons making pvp benefical to them could bring back some pking.
  10. glod

    pid swaps

    Gonna bump this and try to change the suggestion. Make pid swaps the same rate as it does in pvp worlds. Pid swaps in pvp worlds every 24-36 seconds (40-60 game ticks) this is very important for risk fighting, nhing and bridding which as a whole had been completely neglected. Maybe you can try to change pid swaps in just pvp but having pid swaps more often will not hurt pvmers in the slightest and make pking more 1:1 especially since people only fight at ::pvp (edge bank instance)
  11. Well there shouldnt be alot. It is absolutely aids to fight against. There are a total of 8 pkers on the server. There’s probably 100 vls’ not having alot will fix the issue of them being aids as well as the price
  12. The well wont solve the issue. A general store average price is the best solution here. I am not sure why people are so against it tbh. On osrs i can sell items i just recieved IMMEDIATELY for money but on here i i spend days tryna sell items. Its a big problem that isnt being addressed. There is so much duped money on the server the eco is already fked. Not sure why people all the sudden care about inflation
  13. Trust me. A wep that can consistently hit 4 35’s-40’s thru prayer is NOT balanced because it can only be used on players. Rn theres a total of 10 pkers and that number is going down daily. Every single pker has a vls. It costs 65m to buy and it is insanely strong. There shouldnt be alot of vls’ in game. Its a cheap item that is very overpowered deep wild. This idea has worked on other servers and it keeps rhe price of pvp weps/armor high while keeping their effectiveness while also making it so ppl dont waste their time using the op gear in rag sets. the only way to fix the eco now is to start removing items. This is being neglected by the decision makers of this server. I dont pvm so i cant come with ideas to lower the amounts of those items but i do pk so i can give suggestions on that
  14. Weapons like vls statius warhammer etc are OVERPOWERED, there needs to be something to balance them to make them more expensive and/or remove them from the game. suggestion: after 5 hrs in combat using rhe vls or 10 hrs equipped it disintegrates and it is removed from the game. People cannot even sell their vls’ because all of the 10 pkers on the server have a vls.
  15. glod

    pid swaps

    guess just unlucky ty g
  16. glod

    pid swaps

    i mean speaking from experience it takes ALOT longer for pid to swap on here. maybe its just shit rng but, if you could just check everything again it would be greatly appreciated.
  17. glod

    pid swaps

    pid does not swap nearly enough at ::pvp i can go thru 2-3 brid fights without pid swapping while on osrs pid swaps at least once or twice every fight
  18. glod

    PVP updates

    For the 1st one it brings up the major issue with the wild which is that pvmers have no need to go into the wild. Everything you get from Wildy keys to the wildy boss is all just for pkers. You want to make the wilderness available and profitable for pvmers to go to. You need pvmers in certain common areas so that pkers go to those areas to kill the pvmers. Then the pkers bump into eachother and the place becomes a hot spot. Buffing the wilderness is a necessity. Irons have 0 need to go into the wild. Unless they want to make the wildy sheilds and even then the shields arent even that op so irons have no need to go to them. if 90% of the server is ironmen 5% pvmers that makes it 5% pkers. The wilderness is filled by the same 5-10 ppl over and over who all avoid fights however if more pvmers wete deep wild you would see these “pkers” going further from a tele, in more risk making it easy go expose them. Wilderness needs to be high risk high reward.
  19. glod

    PVP updates

    came onto this server. found fights for 2 days now impossible to find fights. wildy needs to be buffed heavily for both mains and irons. 1. buff the drops from galvek to incorporate items used for pvming. could throw in bandos, arma crossbow, z spear, torture amulet, buff all supply drops by ALOT. currently it says uncommon chance for 25-50 blighted angler fish. they should make it so it turns into normal anglers and so that it can drop 300-500. should be able to drop 100 brews, combats, sanfews as well and make it so it drops 500 blighted ice sacks or buff the runes to 2k+ of each rune, blood and death rune. supplies cost alot when pking on an osrs server having a world boss that can fund those supplies would make me more willing to go to the boss. the bandos, arma crossbow ,and zamorak spear (feel free to add more btw, should add ALL godswords as well especially ags.) additions would also increase the chance of good loot from the boss. currently the best thing u can get from galvek is 1/100 and cost 100m. could also make all daggonoth king rings an uncommon drop at 1/40 as they're commonly used for pking 2. buff the amount of bloodmoney you get in ::pvp. no one pks at ::pvp unless your risking a shitton of money since by the time someone would die for a welfare set i already wasted all potential profits from the kill on food. you should get a minimum of 30 bloodmoney per kill at ::pvp and at edge wildy making it more profitable to go pking. it is common for pkers to use hundreds of anglers and alot of brews to get a kill at these zones. 3. add malediction ward to the blood money shop. it is commonly used in brid fights on osrs as it is meant to be a cheap magic bonus off hand however the cheapest one in the TP costs 40m while i can buy a wyvern at 30 mil. could make it 150-200 bloodmoney either same price or slightly more expensive than a mages book. 4. buff ancient casket and give an arrow to the spawn location. 5. make a defender cost 50 blood money in the blood money shop and also add the rune dragonstone (e) bolts to the shop as well as adding diamond dragon bolts which are commonly used by pkers when fighting tanky set ups
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