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  1. Hey everyone, My name is KJ I've been playing rsps for a while now, mostly geared towards osrs, I enjoy playing ironman modes, especially HCIM. From what i've seen on discord via #sneakpeak this server really could be the top server once released. I can see there are extremely talented developers already. I'm excited for my adventure. Hope to see ya'll on release ?
  2. Discord username: Hex#0002 Do you have any experience when it comes to bug-testing: Yes, I was co-owner on a 317 server, and a few others. How knowledgeable would you say you are when it comes to Runescape/Oldschool Runescape: I would say that i'm pretty on point with oldschool runescape, lately i've been enjoying ironman mode, as far as RS3, i've not touched RS3 since osrs came out. Runescape username & total level: Backtwo / Total Level is 2055 How do you feel you'd be useful in testing Zaros: As stated above, i've been co-owner of previous rsps that peaked 300 players, i'm pretty knowledgeable when it comes to testing bugs / how mechanics work on osrs. I feel like Zaros could be the next big rsps and I would love to contribute to that How many hours do you plan on spending per week on average testing: Depends, when I get off work. I usually have 6 hours of free time, I could spend about 5-6 hours per day on testing.
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