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Roger Beta application


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Discord username: Roger#1756
Do you have any experience when it comes to bug-testing: Yes, been a beta tester for a fair few RSPS that are still running.
How knowledgeable would you say you are when it comes to Runescape/Oldschool Runescape: I've played rsps for 12 years now, I'd say I'm fairly knowledgeable when it comes to finding bugs and overall knowledge regarding RS/RSPS
Runescape username & total level: Currently pk on my friends accounts, since I sold my own. But it was "Hyzt", near 1.8k total level.
How do you feel you'd be useful in testing Zaros: I know a lot about the Player vs Player scene and the bugs that may occur, so I'd be more than down to help regarding that aspect to make it more perfect than ever.
How many hours do you plan on spending per week on average testing: I'd say a fair 3-5hours a day, so 21-35hours a week.

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