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Realism rate/bonus not worthwhile


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I think the 5% drop bonus you get for the game being 10-20x slower is hardly worth it and will take far too long to "pay off" comparatively to people who just jump right into pvm with the faster rate.

Additionally, with the bonus being so low, only drops that are 1/20 and rarer will be affected by it, as 5% of lower numbers will not even lower the rate by 1 depending on how they round it.

I think the bonus should be like 10% or something, that way more common items will be affected by it, and it will actually feel noticeably more rewarding when you do start getting drops, and not feel like we're just completely behind the people who start off the server playing the easy rates. Or you can raise the xp rate of realism mode to 10x so that it's not as much of a disadvantage, making the 5% more worthwhile since you're not as far behind.

Even if you don't decide to buff the mode's drop percentage you should round DOWN for the realism mode bonus so that 1/7 drops become 1/6 drops. Otherwise that 5% won't be enough to make a difference for common drops.

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I am planning to play Realism straight off the bat. The way I see it is my play style is skilling with sometimes a bit of PVM/PVP involved  

I want to stay here for the long run and spend a lot of time with the community. 

Realism is there for the grind and those who enjoy the steady pace of creating an account. I myself like to take my time and level at my own pace with realism.

We're quite lucky to even have a boost at all.

5% is fine and if you don't want or appreciate the boost feel free to play the other game modes ?

⚒️Beta Tester⚒️

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I agree with @Diamond, I am choosing Realism not because it is the BEST gamemode, but because it gives me more to work towards...with normal I will easily max in a week or less...whereas Realism might take me a month or two. The 5% drop rate is barely worth it at all but that is not what the mode is for ? Although I would argue to say a 10% boost would be nice as well since in leagues you can unlock 2x drop rate on some items pretty early on ?




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16 hours ago, Trauma said:

Ye agreed with the others as well. I see where you're coming from, however it's not supposed to be "Worth it". Like they said above it's for people that don't want to have the game completed in 3 days.

Adding in a higher (Drop rate) bonus for a more difficult game mode has alway's been common...

19 hours ago, imnotyourdad said:

to add, the 5% is pretty much useless lol but it's there.

No it's not...?‍♂️


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overall in my opinion ya if you are playing realism just for the drops its not really worth it. Saving 5 kills on a 1/100 drop on an RSPS is 10 minutes (if that) worth of endgame content not including raids. The time it takes to max a realism being a significant amount of hours more than regular im sure the time to max and achieve all non raids pvm related drops in less time on a regular mode (in a perfect world of-course) 

Where i think it does pay off is in raids, saving 5KC in raids is a much larger impact (potentially hours) and could almost even out the lower XP rate with the 5% bonus, but i would still place a regular mode higher in favour of time saved. 

In the end i feel realism is for people who want more of a grind and they would play it with the drop rate or not. If you really put your mind to it and with a little bit of luck  you could "complete" a regular account im sure in under a year. The lower xp rate modes give players an opportunity to play for years with a single account and still have many goals to achieve. 

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Although i do uderstand your point of view. I am myself going to play the realist gamemode, for the longer grind and satisfaction of achieving those 99s being more rewarding as they’re slower to get by. Personally i wouldn’t mind if there was no droprate boost at all, as long i had a “realist” symbol to kinda show off and let other players know that i’m a realist

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