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Twisted Heart

Messe Noire

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With the recent push for more "custom" non 1:1 OSRS updates, such as Roccos, Bonus Statue, Pet perks.

Why not add a Twisted Heart?

  • Recolored from the Imbued Heart to a green, rather fitting color. Acts in the same way the Imbued Heart does, except it temporarily boost Ranged.
  • Acquired the same way you can acquire an Imbued Heart, Superiors, Slayer Caskets etc.
  •  Players can use the Invigorate option on the heart to temporarily increase their Ranged level by 1 to 10 levels (1 + 10% of the player's level, rounded down).

A seemingly simple, yet attractive item that players could hunt for!


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On 2/3/2022 at 5:50 PM, Kee said:

I don't fins this necessary since it's worse than a ranging potion

Boosted to 118 ranged would be better I think. It will gradually go down levels as it doesn't work like a divine ranging potion but would overall be better.

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