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Nicole Introduction


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Hi yall ? I’m Nicole - 22 year old emergency nurse at a hospital currently enjoying getting back into the RuneScape world. I only recently got back into rsps this year but am loving zaros so far and enjoying meeting lovely people! hope to enjoy the rest of my stay and am looking forward to learning more about bossing and raids because I’m currently mainly a skiller 

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Welcome Nichole!

Used to work Hospital Security as an Assistant Manager with 2 Psychiatric Units (plus a few Psych Isolation Rooms in the Emergency Room). I know all about the tough things you all deal with, plus all the COVID stuff. So Kudos to you. Stay Strong in there!

Hope you continue to enjoy your time here on Zaros! Let me know if you've got any questions, or if you need to vent about anything hospital related ?


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Welcome! Thank you for your hard work & dedication in these uncertain times. If you need any assistance don’t hesitate to message any of the staff team and we can help you out the best we can ?

Happ new year ?

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