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KevenR Beta application


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Discord username: Keven#1106
Do you have any experience when it comes to bug-testing: Not a lot but i'm trying giving my best if i find something i need to tell developers/admins.
How knowledgeable would you say you are when it comes to Runescape/Oldschool Runescape: I started playing OSRS since 2013. I have a lot of experiences in OSRS, PVM, PK, Quests etc.
Runescape username & total level: Don't remember it anymore! It was a long time ago last time i played OSRS.
How do you feel you'd be useful in testing Zaros: Like i sayd. I try give my best finding out  bigger and little bugs in server 
 to help improve the game as much as I can test.
How many hours do you plan on spending per week on average testing: 15-20hours is okay for me.

Edited by KevenR


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