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I think we deserve and Oceania server?


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Okay as a fellow Australian I believe to make this server the most unique around to actually allow Oceanic members to have decent ping for once.

Not only does it make more available to a much more diverse player base but also advertises for more server / world events / server war type aspects between pking teams/clans etc.


Thank you, 


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It’s a good idea and I can understand the request, but please bare in mind hosting isn’t free, the server is yet to launch, and that there may not be that many Australian/Oceania players. We’re lucky to have 2 worlds as it is, most RSPS give you the one. Anyway, I’m not been a negative Nancy it’s just food for thought. ?


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I can support this for you oceanic folks, let’s hope we get enough players that they have to open a 3rd world! ? 



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4 hours ago, Dew said:

Okay as a fellow Australian I believe to make this server the most unique around to actually allow Oceanic members to have decent ping for once.

Not only does it make more available to a much more diverse player base but also advertises for more server / world events / server war type aspects between pking teams/clans etc.


Thank you, 


I do feel for you aussies, being so far away I understand that the ping must get frustrating. 

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