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Everything posted by FTWImCody

  1. Never used it but can we be friends anyways? Haha..Also thought about looking into R as well
  2. No need to be so toxic, it is called a suggestion for a reason...just state your thoughts on it and move on don't make it personal ?
  3. My current full time job is actually software developer ? I graduated college with a 3.6 GPA in dual major Computer Science: Software Development and Computer Science: Web Development. I am familiar with HTML5/CSS3, SQL, PHP, JavaScript on the Web End of things. Python, Lua and C# on the Software part of things..I usually work with Python mostly but love tinkering around with different languages...Java is the next one on my list actually ? Nice to see other developers and definitely hit me up in PM and we can chat about programming a bit ?
  4. Man, game not even out yet and already getting ready for gambling ? Good luck with the clan!
  5. FTWImCody

    Quest rewards

    As @Sletjesaid above, some quests will award combat experience, will recommend it to the developers to give a lamp instead maybe? That being said, there is a Melee Combat tutor at home where you can pay gp to reset combat skills.. Also, there is a Combat XP toggle that I had forgot about ?
  6. The shop prices are a little high so I agree with @Wat, pretty easy to just undercut the store prices a little bit to still profit from skilling ?
  7. Thems some big words ? Haha but I agree, would be cool to see how lucky some one was in getting pet
  8. Welcome to Zaros, @Soda! I need to start focusing more on my health, since I work from home as a software developer, I almost never get up from my desk...which I know is not a good thing ?
  9. Would 10% hurt, definitely not but if you are playing Realist for the drops you are better off going with Normal and getting your stats up faster so you can kill more per hour ?
  10. I only ever played COD for the Zombies aspect of it ?
  11. Welcome to Zaros, @Nihilus(Chris)! Yea the server has some major issues on the Nov 27th release, but there should be an open beta later this week if you are interested before December 4th release ?
  12. Yea I feel like I would panic that I to figure out what items I need to keep/sell/alch..I think it would just give me anxiety ?
  13. Ultimate Iron man has always interested me because you have to work around everything you thought was possible with RuneScape ? Good work and keep it up!
  14. FTWImCody

    Bank space

    I have played rsps in the past but it gets increased at $10, $50, $250, $1000 and $5000...maxing out at like 2500 slots or something. They could at least give the bare minimum of 400-450..50-100 makes a huge difference ?
  15. FTWImCody

    its me

    Welcome to Zaros, @bdsm! Nice name lmao less than a week away ?
  16. Until then you can always apply for Beta applications, as those will be open until release and they may even do an open beta so you can play a little earlier than Friday ?
  17. Lmao, I knew something was up ?
  18. FTWImCody

    Bank space

    I have never had problems with bank space until playing the beta I hit 350 spaces easily
  19. FTWImCody


    Yea this has been reported in #bug-reports on Beta Discord, for future reference though refer to this post:
  20. Big support, in the past two days I have had to scroll through so many Beta App posts haha ?
  21. FTWImCody


    Yea DelayedScape 2 confirmed release December 4th, 2020 ?
  22. FTWImCody

    Favourite Movie(s)

    I still need to watch this, my friend when we were playing RuneScape years ago kept screaming "We are the Knights of NI!, And we say Ni!"
  23. My music taste jumps all over the place to be honest, so I will just link the first song that plays on Spotify for me..
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