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Zik My Zuk

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Everything posted by Zik My Zuk

  1. such a stupid idea of a mode ngl
  2. why noone want to say their rsn in these applications wtf
  3. Interface built in-game on that pic with another button - "Rankings". Would rank everyone in order of how many slots they've completed. It would show their board and highlight the boxes they've completed as white. Does not order in patterns. Can see how your competitors are performing.
  4. No? You can make new friends. You'd only be opting in to this if you wanted to, it's optional. It's not like your trading amongst yourselves like a GIM. Scam issues won't arise. The only issue I see is if someone in the group gets burnt, but in my opinion, that's not a good enough reason to say no. If it was, GIM would never have been created.
  5. To address the first point, you could have a system. The player will firstly opt in if they want to play bingo or not. Next, they can choose if they want to do it with people they choose, random people or solo. Doing it with random people will put you in a pool of players. 24 hours before the bingo starts, it will pick the teams and globally announce "teams have been picked, check the bingo board for your team." Team sizes of 3 would be perfect since it wouldn't be too small or too big. Once they are picked, you would go to the board and the team that you are players you are chosen to be with will be highlighted. Now people will be able to have their teams picked randomly without having a full disadvantage. The 24/7 part is not a good argument, the entire point of bingo is to win by playing the game. The same thing could be said for any bingo, including this 1. If you want to win, you have to put in the effort or get lucky of course. That's another reason why I suggested leagues trophies as rewards. Everyone gets something, even a participation reward instead of nothing. Alternatively, you could have a point system, where points can be spent after the bingo is over. After the bingo event has started, the pool part of the event would not work anymore since it would be weird to have a random player join in your team a couple days after the event has started. However, you can join the bingo as a solo player or make a party for anyone of your friends to join you (invite only). Along with this, you could have a clan system incorporated where you can talk to any of your group members in a group chat, whilst also being in another clan chat e.g. support.
  6. Idk I personally prefer the trophy, just looks cool. Honestly wished we had custom titles too
  7. Got a better idea. Untradeable item given every Bingo. Leagues trophies. Everyone who participated gets something. The better you perform, the higher the tier.
  8. Can probably recolour some random partyhat then or something.
  9. Should've done a discontinued cosmetic from one of the holiday events as a prize too. Ingame scroll prizes is a bit boring and stale. Also, if it gets a lot of popularity, should add team support with OSRS/IRL prizes similar to Zaros DMM.
  10. thats it? not even hard mode tob completion? #1 loser hcim wtf
  11. wheres the bryophyta boost at
  12. Should be herb skillcape perk ngl, honestly most of the skillcapes need a rework to their perk of some sort (some are fine). Can nerf max cape to only include like 3-5 perks instead of all at once. Some skill capes are dead content, should actually have some use post 99 imo. Can even introduce 200m xp capes
  13. this can be for you to decide if u wanna add or not but the other pic i posted must be added, no if buts and nos
  14. Bugged client, already posted in zaros discord compared to my osrs one. Something up with client on zaros not my pc zaros: https://imgur.com/LNIv5rZ osrs: https://imgur.com/VMLomEg
  15. Shows how to no prep cox easily on a brew intensive scout. This scout is very nice for purples as it gives lots of points, though it is intensive on brews even in max gear. In worse gear, it's still possible as you'd naturally have more brews as you start the raid. For P3 olm you can save supplies by doing thrall 2:0 lance.
  16. Bruh. 1. You can do wt off event without any interruptions if you really want to. 2. You get a fuck ton of points with the event 3. I've seen the wt event been turned on several times in the past 2 weeks - twice for weekend events and at least once throughout the week before the lagg issues started so you can't even use the excuse it was to compensate the shit servers. 4500 points is more than enough. A server event is an event which everyone in the server takes part. I personally see it as a way to interact with players much more often and make new friends. Honestly, the weekend events is already so OP as it is. It should've never been a thing. Too bad you can't remove it now because everyone would just cry 24/7 like they are now.
  17. 2 and a half inventories if u fletch is more than enough points LOL especially on 3x
  18. Most group activities are dead so why kill this one too? You get more than enough points regardless even if someone lights all braziers and speeds up the game - it's not like it ends instantly. Loads of people still run wintertodt despite there being no instance and people lighting braziers.
  19. Only reason why I don't support idea is because it makes the game look even more dead. Playercount already slowly dwindling down and this is giving another excuse to make areas of the game look dead.
  20. ngl the points are still a lot even when people light all braziers, everyone just spoiled and think less than 13k is bad
  21. Yes, you guys cry 24/7 and act like it don't happen off event too. I need boots too, I need to do the minigame myself. I don't care if others light all braziers. Be like me.
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