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A list of improvements to the Server.


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First off let me introduce myself.?

My name is Matt, I have been in the RSPS scene for just over 10 years now. During my time I have Administrated, Moderated, and also been in the atmosphere for developing scripts that the game runs off of, on top of Owning/Managing 2 Minecraft servers. Both of which run off of my independent code and the foundations that I laid out which lead to both of them being extremely successful with a combined player base of over 150 and growing.

This is not a 100% foolproof list, but it is jam packed with ideas that I've had for years, things I have personally seen work, and even strategies I use on my own servers.

So lets get into this extensive list. Starting with 2 key points that I see as a big issue, followed by qol/hotfixes that might have been missed. ?

1. Macroing/botting

We all know it happens, we see it, we report it, and some of us may even partake in it. Without going into extensive details about how it is done, we know it happens.

The highest extent I have seen of prevention in this subject would be someone like Nicole doing "bot checks". It's not bad but there could be more done to prevent this.

1) Make the teleports around the game not land you on the exact same tile every time, this rejects the ability to use constant repetition and disrupts mouse recorders. Which would ultimately take out most if not all botable aspects of Runecrafting, Construction, Agility and others ever so slightly.

2) Give Moderators the remote access to scout a player without teleporting to them. It gives a discrete appearance, the player doesn't get annoyed, and the list could be checked much quicker and more efficiently. I would recommend a gui popup such as the one you get when you click features on the Max cape. 

3) Use the OSRS mechanic, where the camera on your screen ever so slightly rotates, over time this would screw up any mouse recorder or AHK script, leaving the user to be running circles around edge bank who is currently taking a shower while doing herblore. Leaving them right out in the open to be spotted and taken care of.


2. Economic Stabilization.

We are all aware that on every single RSPS out there, that money becomes redundant, obtaining it becomes pointless as there is a massive load of items in the game over time, this is extremely hard to prevent and there isn't a whole lot you can do to flush out the eco without a reset. Especially with previous dupes.

1) Make a well of goodwill. A well that players throw items/coins in, for a chance at a reward at the end of the week. Obviously broadcasted and ran like a lottery. For every 1m put into the well, you get a lottery ticket which you would trade to an npc. There is a lot that goes into this but would be worth in aiding the longevity of the server.

2) Recyclable items. Think of invention on RS3, instead of being able to alch a Rune platebody for 40k gp, why not have the option to throw it into a grinder/furnace and get the raw materials back so people can use them for experience? This would help in extreme ways because of the amount of gp that the server would be negative, whether it be through the general store or high alchs, it really adds up and slows down the process. This is not limited to Rune, it could be applied to all smithable items of their tier.

3) Slayer caskets. People are going to hate me for this but they are far too powerful for gp. One week of slaying on a Maxed account and I am at a 50m stack, with a whole loot tab, all from slayer caskets. I am most definitely going to buy token scrolls instead of buying with my real life cash. You multiply that by probably 100+ people doing that every week. That's A LOT of unnecessary GP that is not only flooding the eco, but taking money from the server because it is used to buy a hefty amount of scrolls which could otherwise be bought with real life $$$.

4) Why is getting resources in-game harder than getting money? I can sit here and fish sharks for an hour, at 225-300p/hr. But I could also go slay for an hour and wind up with enough money to buy double the amount of sharks. I'm not all that experienced in the prices of resources that normies can buy on here, but it might not hurt to double up the shop price of sharks/anglers/scb's/ppots etc.

(I could write more on this but I only want the best of my ideas to be heard before it gets too boring.)


Time for the Qol fixes/small bugs that I have noticed.

1. For presets, enable them to set your wand/staff to your specific autocast. Allow your blowpipe to save the darts in that loadout you had. If you are at edge bank/dzone where the rejuvenation box is, just have it heal you like it does while loading a preset, there is little to no reason as to why this shouldn't be allowed.

2. Dk rings have an INSANE drop rate of what seems to be 1/1k or 1/5k, this is probably known but I made sure to include that in here.

3. Ironman rune shops don't hold enough runes, buffing the amounts of certain base runes up to chaos wouldn't do much harm.

4. Yell timer: when you try and yell it doesn't show your CURRENT cooldown, it tells you the base cooldown you start with. (should be an easy fix)

    4a. Users who repeatedly get yell muted, should have it removed based on a system. For example if you get yell muted 5 times, your ability to yell is revoked for X amount of time. having this increase more over the amount of times you get muted. Its literally every single day I log in and see all the wildy pkers (and some others) having a pissing contest over yell, flooding the ingame chat and creating an extremely toxic environment for the rest of the community and newcomers to see.

5. Inferno/zuk should have the ability to be unlocked as a slayer task, I recommend either with coins, vote tokens, slayer points, and or donation rank.

6. Recolor the 25 claimed votes text, it pops up and everyone has the same complaint that they think its a drop, wouldn't hurt to take that away and return it with a different color. It's a good reminder, but would be better off as a different color in the chat.

    6a. Instead of useless events like "molch pearls" do a weekend long event where you get double vote tokens or a chance at scrolls/slayer points.

7. Make your lives easier by setting up a way to make events automatic, where it would make your work as a developer/global moderator a lot more easier since you don't have to be the one to stay on for that time and manually turn it on/off.

8. An option for the catacombs to have a teleport to any monster within the catacombs at a certain donation rank by clicking on the altar.

9. At a certain donation rank, give a % chance to autocomplete a clues upon doing a step.

10. Seren is still broke, you can leave the last healer alone and afk the rest of the kill.

11. Vorkath's spawn can walk to all 7 continents before crumble undead actually kills him, the delay is FAR too long.

12. Not all clues for the Runelite plugin auto solve. Mainly mediums/hard clues.

13. Zulrah on Pattern 2 always spawns a weird jad phase which is completely out of place, not sure if this was intentional.

14. Adding amulet of the amulet of damned to barrows drop table instead of shades.

    14a. Adding barrows pets, i.e Ahrim/torags?

    14b. As far as pets go, you could always add more then just the current custom pets. Copying and pasting code with tweaks here and there is pretty simple.

15. Logged in rewards. For every 24 hours logged in hand out a simple reward. Chance of slayer points, a small amount of coins, an xp book, a clue, anything that would keep the player count high even if its just people afking. Keeping the numbers up is always a good thing.

    15a. Kind of cheeky, but player boosting. Enough said on that.


This is just the tip of the iceberg, I am jam packed full of ideas whether you agree they're good or not. But I think this is a decent starting point. Depending on the feedback if any I will be making more of these posts.

Anyways, hope you found this helpful. I would love to see feedback in the comments of this post as it took some time to write up. It's not the most organized post, but it gets the point across. 


Edited by Tomorrow
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  • Server Support

Damn you put alot of work and time writing this up! good job theirs quiet a few ideas I can relate with like adding the well of good will that'd be nice to see added into the server, and then theres some I'm not interested in seeing added into server for example I'm not a big fan on the  Recyclable items which i think you got off rust or some of the sort! but keep the ideas pumping you seem like your full of them!


Edited by Im Olms Dad
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2 hours ago, Tomorrow said:

1) Make the teleports around the game not land you on the exact same tile every time, this rejects the ability to use constant repetition and disrupts mouse recorders. Which would ultimately take out most if not all botable aspects of Runecrafting, Construction, Agility and others ever so slightly.

Great idea and would solve most botting issues.



2 hours ago, Tomorrow said:

Give Moderators the remote access to scout a player without teleporting to them. It gives a discrete appearance, the player doesn't get annoyed, and the list could be checked much quicker and more efficiently. I would recommend a gui popup such as the one you get when you click features on the Max cape. 

On my previous server mods had ::hide which turned them invisible to anyone other than mod rank and higher, very useful for spying on people who were reported for botting to monitor their activity for a few minutes before making yourself known - as most rsps botters i've encountered check their screen every few mins knowing mods do bot checks, if they don't see a mod they go back afk and just use the excuse they were watching youtube or something hence their delay.



2 hours ago, Tomorrow said:

Why is getting resources in-game harder than getting money? I can sit here and fish sharks for an hour, at 225-300p/hr. But I could also go slay for an hour and wind up with enough money to buy double the amount of sharks. I'm not all that experienced in the prices of resources that normies can buy on here, but it might not hurt to double up the shop price of sharks/anglers/scb's/ppots etc.

You can buy cooked sharks for 1k each from head chef npc, the only people who make their own food are irons, and most of them just use warrior guild cheese potatoes or fish minnows to get noted sharks.


2 hours ago, Tomorrow said:

Slayer caskets. People are going to hate me for this but they are far too powerful for gp. One week of slaying on a Maxed account and I am at a 50m stack, with a whole loot tab, all from slayer caskets. I am most definitely going to buy token scrolls instead of buying with my real life cash. You multiply that by probably 100+ people doing that every week. That's A LOT of unnecessary GP that is not only flooding the eco, but taking money from the server because it is used to buy a hefty amount of scrolls which could otherwise be bought with real life $$$.

50m in a week isn't that much really, not when you start getting into the good gear upgrades, it is a rsps after all, you don't want to grind slayer for a week and not even have enough money to buy 1 item upgrade.

Also, there needs to be people ingame to buy scrolls, or nobody would buy the donor scrolls, 90-95% of players buy them to sell for cash, very few buy with the intention of using other than the first 10, or first 50, after that they're all bought with ingame cash to increase donation rank with a few exceptions.
If you reduce the ability for people to buy them ingame, the players buying to sell will decrease, which would hurt server income far more.


2 hours ago, Tomorrow said:

Yell timer: when you try and yell it doesn't show your CURRENT cooldown, it tells you the base cooldown you start with. (should be an easy fix)

That is a little annoying, i can easily sit there and retype my message 5 times before it'll let me yell again - hell, personally i'd love to see an icon above chat, like when you get frozen, with a timer, dunno if people might find that annoying but i'd prefer that to a ingame message.


2 hours ago, Tomorrow said:

Users who repeatedly get yell muted, should have it removed based on a system. For example if you get yell muted 5 times, your ability to yell is revoked for X amount of time. having this increase more over the amount of times you get muted. Its literally every single day I log in and see all the wildy pkers (and some others) having a pissing contest over yell, flooding the ingame chat and creating an extremely toxic environment for the rest of the community and newcomers to see.

There needs to be the yell drama, obviously there needs to be a line, but there are few pkers already, they rile each other up over yells with a dick measuring content and then go fight for those bragging rights on yell, i think staff have a good balance so far tbh.
I've been on servers with no yell limits and that's bad, and i've also been on ones with very strict yell rules, my last one having a rule of no pk drama period, it killed wildy.
staff thus far let it go until it becomes really heated and then they tend to step in, i do think your idea of a multiplicative mute would be a good addition, especially for those who don't stop when asked.


2 hours ago, Tomorrow said:

Make your lives easier by setting up a way to make events automatic, where it would make your work as a developer/global moderator a lot more easier since you don't have to be the one to stay on for that time and manually turn it on/off.

The events change every week, they'd need to code every event to run on a timer, and then setup some way to queue them, would be a lot of work in my view for little yield long run, would be easier to give mods access to the events commands if they don't already have it, and they just follow the pre planned schedule


2 hours ago, Tomorrow said:

Zulrah on Pattern 2 always spawns a weird jad phase which is completely out of place, not sure if this was intentional.

server has a custom phase, i think this is the one you're talking about, it's in addition to normal zulrah rotations.


2 hours ago, Tomorrow said:

Adding amulet of the amulet of damned to barrows drop table instead of shades.

already drops from barrows.


2 hours ago, Tomorrow said:

Make a well of goodwill. A well that players throw items/coins in, for a chance at a reward at the end of the week. Obviously broadcasted and ran like a lottery. For every 1m put into the well, you get a lottery ticket which you would trade to an npc. There is a lot that goes into this but would be worth in aiding the longevity of the server.

A good suggestion ,one already made in many forms.
My previous server had one that you could add 1m coins into it, for a % chance to active a 1hour random event, it was a very good money sink as lots of people used it hoping for bonus xp, or bonus drops etc, given this server has even more events than my previous server to choose from, i think it'd be used even more for high end events like clue casket, and Tob, pet boost, etc etc.

Hopefully this one is added in soon in some form or another. 

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my only issue with everything you said is the issues with money / too much money in game, IMO its completely the opposite problem, there is not enough money in the game at all, but way too many items mostly caused to the sheer amount of ironmen selling their dupes and drops for next to nothing, there is hardly any cash in game which leads to items being sold for peanuts an influx of cash will do nothing but good for the server, people can start buying and selling their items and normal accounts can actually sell their stuff for some money rather than next to nothing at all. Whats mainly needed is a way to sink items out of the game and desperatly, there is way to many items and nothing to do with them they sit in tp and they sit on alts and they stay there, there is so many items in the game that theyre going for stupid prices, literally 30m for a dwh and 12m for some bandos, wtf kind of joke is that. the sad part is that itll stay this way because they are too lazy to fix it and clearly do not give a crap otherwise they would have made a solution for this months and months ago. They are too busy figuring out ways to bring in more players but losing their loyal day 1 supporters that have been around since the start because they couldnt give less of a shit and the player count literally speaks for itself, its really really sad to see the current state of the server but unfortunately, with implimenting some of these suggestions a long time ago some players maybe could have been saved but unfortunately its too late and the damage is done. dks have been broken for how long now and they cant even fix a drop table... i mean seriously ?

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I mean, Hope already said they are adding a fix for money issue in next update (well, he said next 2 but that was just before last one hit)

Also, if the main problem is irons dropping items to alts to sell for dirt cheap, simple fix, don't let irons drops be visible to other accounts for pickup, even in wildy.
Make it so you can't drop an item in wildy if you've been damaged by a player in the last 30-60seconds or something to stop this being abused so pkers can't get loot if dropped by an iron, and this problem self solves.

however, irons will use this money to buy donor scrolls for their iron accounts, it's something that's going to be an issue forever, 'cos irons want the donor perks but they can't buy donor scrolls like a normal player, and this is their way around it, which is rather fair tbh, but 'cos they're not in need of money - really - they don't care about how low they sell their items it's meaningless to them so long as they can get enough for the scroll they wanna buy.

The only other possible solution really, is to make things have a minimum value, but then devs would be tampering with eco and nobody likes that, it's a loss / loss for the developers in all honesty, even adding a good buy price from npcs for items would be an issue in of itself in the long run.

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26 minutes ago, T0M said:

I mean, Hope already said they are adding a fix for money issue in next update (well, he said next 2 but that was just before last one hit)

Also, if the main problem is irons dropping items to alts to sell for dirt cheap, simple fix, don't let irons drops be visible to other accounts for pickup, even in wildy.
Make it so you can't drop an item in wildy if you've been damaged by a player in the last 30-60seconds or something to stop this being abused so pkers can't get loot if dropped by an iron, and this problem self solves.

however, irons will use this money to buy donor scrolls for their iron accounts, it's something that's going to be an issue forever, 'cos irons want the donor perks but they can't buy donor scrolls like a normal player, and this is their way around it, which is rather fair tbh, but 'cos they're not in need of money - really - they don't care about how low they sell their items it's meaningless to them so long as they can get enough for the scroll they wanna buy.

The only other possible solution really, is to make things have a minimum value, but then devs would be tampering with eco and nobody likes that, it's a loss / loss for the developers in all honesty, even adding a good buy price from npcs for items would be an issue in of itself in the long run.

yeah im not blaming irons entirely, its just an issue the server has, it hasnt quite hit the nail on the head like others have. Bottom line is we need a way of getting items out of eco otherwise this situation will never resolve they will continue to drop in price untill its just not even worth selling them and everyone just has to earn their own drops and cash anyways so you may aswell just play ironman at that point

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6 minutes ago, Group Porn said:

yeah im not blaming irons entirely, its just an issue the server has, it hasnt quite hit the nail on the head like others have. Bottom line is we need a way of getting items out of eco otherwise this situation will never resolve they will continue to drop in price untill its just not even worth selling them and everyone just has to earn their own drops and cash anyways so you may aswell just play ironman at that point

Best fix suggested thus far is the well in my view, make it so certain items work, and then make the list of acceptable items some of the better tier stuff, not like rune platebodies etc, otherwise it'll be events none stop, high tier items plus cash - only viable solution i can think off without devs being up shit street in the future.

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2 minutes ago, T0M said:

Best fix suggested thus far is the well in my view, make it so certain items work, and then make the list of acceptable items some of the better tier stuff, not like rune platebodies etc, otherwise it'll be events none stop, high tier items plus cash - only viable solution i can think off without devs being up shit street in the future.

yeah ive seen previous posts about well, and making it so that every threshhold hit activates and event, i think this is such a good idea, i love the premiss and concept of that. i would love zaros to have some originality and not have a "well of goodwill" being that its not goodwill if you are donating for some kind of reward but thats just a minor detail and the well of goodwill was made to donate to charity originally. maybe something cool like an event fountain type thing that you put items into. would also be a cool idea to get titles and unsellable cosmetics that you can recieve once youve hit certain threshold. would be cool to get custom cosmetics like the twisted ornament kit for ancestral but having a twisted bandos and twisted armadyl kits etc would be pog af

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3 hours ago, Group Porn said:

my only issue with everything you said is the issues with money / too much money in game, IMO its completely the opposite problem, there is not enough money in the game at all, but way too many items mostly caused to the sheer amount of ironmen selling their dupes and drops for next to nothing, there is hardly any cash in game which leads to items being sold for peanuts an influx of cash will do nothing but good for the server, people can start buying and selling their items and normal accounts can actually sell their stuff for some money rather than next to nothing at all. Whats mainly needed is a way to sink items out of the game and desperatly, there is way to many items and nothing to do with them they sit in tp and they sit on alts and they stay there, there is so many items in the game that theyre going for stupid prices, literally 30m for a dwh and 12m for some bandos, wtf kind of joke is that. the sad part is that itll stay this way because they are too lazy to fix it and clearly do not give a crap otherwise they would have made a solution for this months and months ago. They are too busy figuring out ways to bring in more players but losing their loyal day 1 supporters that have been around since the start because they couldnt give less of a shit and the player count literally speaks for itself, its really really sad to see the current state of the server but unfortunately, with implimenting some of these suggestions a long time ago some players maybe could have been saved but unfortunately its too late and the damage is done. dks have been broken for how long now and they cant even fix a drop table... i mean seriously ?

There is tons of cash in the game, more than it can even really handle. I agree with the items are worth peanuts on here. I've seen ideas tossed around but nothing is going to 100% fix the damage that is in the roots of the server. The best thing that the staff team could do now, is do preventative maintenance on the issue. The well of goodwill will be the ONLY thing that I have seen that will actually have an impact on previous damages. They are busy figuring out ways to bring in more players yes, and I am sure that the care for keeping a stable economy isn't far from that goal of bringing in new players. The issue I am sure they're having is that they havn't found a solid way to actually prevent it from happening alongside possible issues and repercussions of rushing something like that. OR maybe they're already working on something, but the code side of it is rough. Either way, this is why in this post I offered my knowledge.

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Good suggestions, the only thing I'd change for 15 is maybe have daily tasks instead of log in rewards so you can't just farm rewards across multiple accounts.

They can have easy/medium/hard tasks like kill/craft/fish, etc. X amount to require some engagement to receive the reward, the harder tasks obviously providing a better reward

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2 hours ago, Dude said:

Good suggestions, the only thing I'd change for 15 is maybe have daily tasks instead of log in rewards so you can't just farm rewards across multiple accounts.

They can have easy/medium/hard tasks like kill/craft/fish, etc. X amount to require some engagement to receive the reward, the harder tasks obviously providing a better reward

I agree with this, wasn't really thinking about the multi log in rewards. Perhaps they could link it to just the ip address that logs in, but that wouldn't stop people from running VPN's. Your idea is better.


@T0M As far as your first response, I am having a very difficult time agreeing with just about anything you tried to debunk. Was not aware of the Amulet of the Damed from barrows though! Perhaps they could add a drop table to that, which can be looked at like other bosses. Cheers!

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2 hours ago, Group Porn said:

yeah ive seen previous posts about well, and making it so that every threshhold hit activates and event, i think this is such a good idea, i love the premiss and concept of that. i would love zaros to have some originality and not have a "well of goodwill" being that its not goodwill if you are donating for some kind of reward but thats just a minor detail and the well of goodwill was made to donate to charity originally. maybe something cool like an event fountain type thing that you put items into. would also be a cool idea to get titles and unsellable cosmetics that you can recieve once youve hit certain threshold. would be cool to get custom cosmetics like the twisted ornament kit for ancestral but having a twisted bandos and twisted armadyl kits etc would be pog af

That's neat, i like that a lot.

Maybe the higher grade the item put in, the higher % of triggering something.

And then, if you wanted to go further, you could have it so all the players who put items in, in the time between the last event triggered by it, and the one just triggered entered into a lottery of sorts, with more "tickets" being granted the better the item you put in, and then those players would be entered into a draw to win a non-tradable cosmetic kit, would give people a reason to put items in then, especially the super rich, which will help eco get rid of the mass excess those people hold.

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Is this what you do when you get tired of killing cerb for endless hours for a 1/248 item? Because I know that's why I'm here.

Nonetheless, 100% agree. Tons of suggestions could be taken and implemented from with with ease to make everyone happier in game. 10/10


 ?????????  ?????????  ?????????  ?????????

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13 minutes ago, Yesterday said:

Is this what you do when you get tired of killing cerb for endless hours for a 1/248 item? Because I know that's why I'm here.

Nonetheless, 100% agree. Tons of suggestions could be taken and implemented from with with ease to make everyone happier in game. 10/10


 ?????????  ?????????  ?????????  ?????????

I wrote the entirety of this at Cerberus. 1014 KC and counting https://prnt.sc/12ytign

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12 hours ago, Tomorrow said:

1) Make the teleports around the game not land you on the exact same tile every time, this rejects the ability to use constant repetition and disrupts mouse recorders. Which would ultimately take out most if not all botable aspects of Runecrafting, Construction, Agility and others ever so slightly.

2) Give Moderators the remote access to scout a player without teleporting to them. It gives a discrete appearance, the player doesn't get annoyed, and the list could be checked much quicker and more efficiently. I would recommend a gui popup such as the one you get when you click features on the Max cape. 

3) Use the OSRS mechanic, where the camera on your screen ever so slightly rotates, over time this would screw up any mouse recorder or AHK script, leaving the user to be running circles around edge bank who is currently taking a shower while doing herblore. Leaving them right out in the open to be spotted and taken care of.

Support for all of these. Combats the main issue of botting, which is mostly mouse recorders from what I've encountered personally. This also provides a way for moderators to monitor without disrupting gameplay. The amount of times I've seen moderators botcheck players that just started an activity literally minutes prior, and other situations are just ridiculous.


12 hours ago, Tomorrow said:

2. Economic Stabilization.

We are all aware that on every single RSPS out there, that money becomes redundant, obtaining it becomes pointless as there is a massive load of items in the game over time, this is extremely hard to prevent and there isn't a whole lot you can do to flush out the eco without a reset. Especially with previous dupes.

1) Make a well of goodwill. A well that players throw items/coins in, for a chance at a reward at the end of the week. Obviously broadcasted and ran like a lottery. For every 1m put into the well, you get a lottery ticket which you would trade to an npc. There is a lot that goes into this but would be worth in aiding the longevity of the server.

2) Recyclable items. Think of invention on RS3, instead of being able to alch a Rune platebody for 40k gp, why not have the option to throw it into a grinder/furnace and get the raw materials back so people can use them for experience? This would help in extreme ways because of the amount of gp that the server would be negative, whether it be through the general store or high alchs, it really adds up and slows down the process. This is not limited to Rune, it could be applied to all smithable items of their tier.

3) Slayer caskets. People are going to hate me for this but they are far too powerful for gp. One week of slaying on a Maxed account and I am at a 50m stack, with a whole loot tab, all from slayer caskets. I am most definitely going to buy token scrolls instead of buying with my real life cash. You multiply that by probably 100+ people doing that every week. That's A LOT of unnecessary GP that is not only flooding the eco, but taking money from the server because it is used to buy a hefty amount of scrolls which could otherwise be bought with real life $$$.

4) Why is getting resources in-game harder than getting money? I can sit here and fish sharks for an hour, at 225-300p/hr. But I could also go slay for an hour and wind up with enough money to buy double the amount of sharks. I'm not all that experienced in the prices of resources that normies can buy on here, but it might not hurt to double up the shop price of sharks/anglers/scb's/ppots etc.

1) I support the well of goodwill, however not under a lottery category. I believe there should be perks for x amount donated to the well for a timed existence. For example, when 50m is donated to the well, perks can be activated such as Bonus Slayer Points for 1 hour. This can go on with several different ideas, bonus pest control, bonus experience, higher superior spawn rate during slayer, etc. Completely random so it can't be specifically farmed for 1 sole purpose.

2) This is not a good idea at all, destroys the point of farming resources, this is allowing a way of providing infinite smithing xp. Getting these drops and selling them to players or just creating items to sell to the general store is a way of bringing more cash into the eco. This damages the game more than it could ever help.

3) Slayer caskets being buffed was one of the bigger steps to saving the current eco with the massive flood of items, and not enough gp in the game to provide any cashflow. This comes from the fact its mostly an iron-based server at the moment, which drops are sold on alts, and because of past mishaps in the server that created an influx of items. 50m stack within a whole week isn't anything op or to call home about. As of right now there's barely any gp in the eco outside of the eco holders. Also the scrolls you're buying from the trading post, just remember people have to donate to sell them, and they will continue to do so if they need cash, or want a heavier headstart. The problem with the eco is that there isn't enough cashflow, not that there's too much, and you saying you grinded a week of slayer for 50m proves that a bit. Mind you that 50m will buy you maybe a tasset and bcp, which is a different issue.

4) Sharks are purchasable in stores for instance so those will always not be in as much of a demand, perhaps raw shark for cooking but that's about it. Resources are sold on the tp constantly, just not in bulk abundance because either the people are using them themselves, or they're holding them for x reason. Another reason is that the majority are irons, so not much resources are being sold to the normal players. As for the prices in the shop, I don't think they need a buff, if you looked at the prices they're not that underpriced.

Possibly a slight raise on the sharks, but brews and restores being 12k each is more than enough.


13 hours ago, Tomorrow said:

Time for the Qol fixes/small bugs that I have noticed.

1. For presets, enable them to set your wand/staff to your specific autocast. Allow your blowpipe to save the darts in that loadout you had. If you are at edge bank/dzone where the rejuvenation box is, just have it heal you like it does while loading a preset, there is little to no reason as to why this shouldn't be allowed.

2. Dk rings have an INSANE drop rate of what seems to be 1/1k or 1/5k, this is probably known but I made sure to include that in here.

3. Ironman rune shops don't hold enough runes, buffing the amounts of certain base runes up to chaos wouldn't do much harm.

4. Yell timer: when you try and yell it doesn't show your CURRENT cooldown, it tells you the base cooldown you start with. (should be an easy fix)

    4a. Users who repeatedly get yell muted, should have it removed based on a system. For example if you get yell muted 5 times, your ability to yell is revoked for X amount of time. having this increase more over the amount of times you get muted. Its literally every single day I log in and see all the wildy pkers (and some others) having a pissing contest over yell, flooding the ingame chat and creating an extremely toxic environment for the rest of the community and newcomers to see.

5. Inferno/zuk should have the ability to be unlocked as a slayer task, I recommend either with coins, vote tokens, slayer points, and or donation rank.

6. Recolor the 25 claimed votes text, it pops up and everyone has the same complaint that they think its a drop, wouldn't hurt to take that away and return it with a different color. It's a good reminder, but would be better off as a different color in the chat.

    6a. Instead of useless events like "molch pearls" do a weekend long event where you get double vote tokens or a chance at scrolls/slayer points.

7. Make your lives easier by setting up a way to make events automatic, where it would make your work as a developer/global moderator a lot more easier since you don't have to be the one to stay on for that time and manually turn it on/off.

8. An option for the catacombs to have a teleport to any monster within the catacombs at a certain donation rank by clicking on the altar.

9. At a certain donation rank, give a % chance to autocomplete a clues upon doing a step.

10. Seren is still broke, you can leave the last healer alone and afk the rest of the kill.

11. Vorkath's spawn can walk to all 7 continents before crumble undead actually kills him, the delay is FAR too long.

12. Not all clues for the Runelite plugin auto solve. Mainly mediums/hard clues.

13. Zulrah on Pattern 2 always spawns a weird jad phase which is completely out of place, not sure if this was intentional.

14. Adding amulet of the amulet of damned to barrows drop table instead of shades.

    14a. Adding barrows pets, i.e Ahrim/torags?

    14b. As far as pets go, you could always add more then just the current custom pets. Copying and pasting code with tweaks here and there is pretty simple.

15. Logged in rewards. For every 24 hours logged in hand out a simple reward. Chance of slayer points, a small amount of coins, an xp book, a clue, anything that would keep the player count high even if its just people afking. Keeping the numbers up is always a good thing.

    15a. Kind of cheeky, but player boosting. Enough said on that.


1) Support if there's not much dev time needed to do this. A lot more crucial areas that should be addressed first, but this would be a nice qol.

2) DK ring drop rates are a bit ridiculous.

3) Support, extremely toxic to buy runes on an iron considering most shop have such ridiculously low stocks.

4) Support, many times where I've tried typing something and it repeatedly would block it, without knowing if my timer was close to up or not.

5) Support, after 1 completion it should be able to be completed, same as osrs.

6) Doesn't really make a difference to me, never really seen it as an issue.

7) Although it sounds like a better idea, it completely removes the aspect of the community feeling like they're still being tended to by the staff and highers. The way it is still is providing a way of showing that they're not giving up on zaros, and are trying to make ends meet.

8) Running throughout catacombs to task isn't really that big of a deal, I mean sure if they want to add that? Just seems like a waste of dev time imo.

9) There's already things like the bloodhound that provides this, so I would hard disagree with this being implimented.

10) That's a bug report not a suggestion, would suggest you put that in bug reports.

11) That's a bug report not a suggestion, would suggest you put that in bug reports.

12) That's a bug report not a suggestion, would suggest you put that in bug reports.

13) As far as I know it was a custom one added to zaros in terms of rotation.

14) Not sure why there would be a reason to add more pets unless more content comes, they have a big list of custom pets as of right now as there is.

15) Not a bad idea however I agree with what @Dude said above, with a requirement of completing a task to obtain the daily reward.
           15a) Never would I suggest adding a boosted playercount, that always brings negative rep to a server.




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  • Developer
22 hours ago, Tomorrow said:

13. Zulrah on Pattern 2 always spawns a weird jad phase which is completely out of place, not sure if this was intentional.


Also, in regards to the economy/cash issue- there is a lack of cash, not a lack of items. Players do not have cash needed to buy the items desired. Note: If you are an ironman and have too much cash, you are irrelevant to this debate. As others have said, we are working on a way to both reduce the amount of duplicate items while injecting more cash at the same time.

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2 hours ago, Hope said:


Also, in regards to the economy/cash issue- there is a lack of cash, not a lack of items. Players do not have cash needed to buy the items desired. Note: If you are an ironman and have too much cash, you are irrelevant to this debate. As others have said, we are working on a way to both reduce the amount of duplicate items while injecting more cash at the same time.

I was not aware that this additional phase at Zulrah was intentional. So that's now good to know. There may be a lack of cash but from what I've seen, pumping cash into the game is not a good idea, as it will ALWAYS be coming into the game. Long term I don't think that it is a wise idea. I was thinking a little bit more on this today. Most of the items that are inserted into the game are from ironmen, right? So why not give the ironmen a chance to trade those items in, instead of transferring them to their main account to sell on tp? Maybe something such as trading them to an npc for slayer points, vote tickets, scrolls, etc? If you want to inject more cash you could simply give ironmen the option to just sell the items to said NPC for cash which would 9 times out of 10 be transferred and the items wouldn't exist in tp's. Just a thought.

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