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What's your history with Runescape?


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Some of you have been mentioning your history with Runescape in your intros and I'm curious where a lot of you are at in regards to your experience with Runescape. I started playing Runescape in 2004 when I just started middle school, and by the time I was in grade 10 or 11 I fell away from it until around first year of college. By the middle of my second year of college I got banned on all of my accounts for being involved with Dragondyce and lost billions of GP, many phats and the rest of my motivation to play that game in any capacity. At release of OSRS I played for the hype for a few days but promptly quit and didn't return to RS except in RSPS. 


Anyway, what does your Runescape journey look like?

Edited by Cox


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I've been playing Runescape for about 14 years, I've never liked grinding out a game as quick as possible I always like to go at my own pace, I love a grind and a small tight community and can't wait to get this server going!

⚒️Beta Tester⚒️

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7 hours ago, Diamond said:

I've been playing Runescape for about 14 years, I've never liked grinding out a game as quick as possible I always like to go at my own pace, I love a grind and a small tight community and can't wait to get this server going!

I remember watching a YouTube video a week or 2 ago about why people always come back to Runescape and it's not about it being just another game you could play, but it offers so many different pathways to enjoyable gameplay. You can literally create whatever grind you want, be it weird or quirky, and you can pursue that goal while someone else plays the game entirely different to you. Idk, I just love that variability!

7 hours ago, view said:

Same here, started RS in 2004. Was in 3rd or 4th grade. Was maxed by like 2009. Started OSRS the day it released and got burnt out in 6 months. Maxed in OSRS in 2017.

Kudos to you being able to max on both of the main game modes! That's a darn good achievement


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I was around 10/11 and my step brother introduced me to it, was mesmerised by it and even played before school when I could. It's fair to say that it was instilled into my upbringing. 



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Joined in 2005 when I was in high school, had too many hours played during my play time ?. Played through all eras of RS - played mainly to PK and went through Wildy - BH Crater - PVP - BH Worlds/Wildy Return. Quit once EOC was introduced and came back to OSRS about a year ago, however, the wildy seems dead in OSRS and not as active as it once was prior to me joining back. 

Used to be in a few teams during my time and was focused on Single Teams to pk with as I found that most fun. 

Edited by Ollie V1
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On 6/16/2020 at 12:19 PM, Ollie V1 said:

Joined in 2005 when I was in high school, had too many hours played during my play time ?. Played through all eras of RS - played mainly to PK and went through Wildy - BH Crater - PVP - BH Worlds/Wildy Return. Quit once EOC was introduced and came back to OSRS about a year ago, however, the wildy seems dead in OSRS and not as active as it once was prior to me joining back. 

Used to be in a few teams during my time and was focused on Single Teams to pk with as I found that most fun. 

Probably my favourite time pking was in BH craters, stepping through those as a kid was mind blowing, will I get out with my loot before the timer ends? 



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4 hours ago, dont eat bat said:

I got hacked for like 12 times lol

I think I was hacked once back in the day, but I heavily suspect an old friend of mine doing it so he could buy a santa hat lol


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11 hours ago, king said:

automatic assumption was keyloggers back in the day

Ye, you're both probably spot on. I was key-logged a lot when I was younger and played Maplestory lmao


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  • 5 months later...

Got introduced to it when I was 6 back in 2004.

Played it, played for 4 years without hitting lvl 50.

I would make a new account, rush some gold enough to buy 50 mind runes and an air staff, and hit the Varrock Multi line where EVERYONE was going, I'd be able to PK with random clans forming and backstabbing until I'd hit lvl 35 - 40 in which I would die and lose all, I'd repeat this over and over.

Things got a lot more fun when I got members, I would just camp the Fist of Guthix death dot, and Dragon Spear 1 item to get people killed.

By the time I really got into grinding, EOC happened, sold off my lvl 112 and called it quits.


Began playing back in 2016, RSPS, got into OSRS, branched on and off.

Here I am now.


Forgot to mention, I'm not ENTIRELY sure but I'm almost certain I was or if not one of the first people to begin the "You can't say your password backwards Jagex blocked it!" back in 2004, and I used it to hack a BUNCH of accounts sitting at Varrock West Bank and then did it on FunOrb for free Arcanist members accounts.

Edited by November
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Back in early middle school, I was outside skating with my friend and he was on the phone with his friend who was talking about this game called RuneScape which they both played..I asked about it and so his friend made me an account and we went inside and I logged on to begin playing and I have not really turned back from there on out...Just been playing on and off ever since ?




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I never actually played real RS, I have been in the RSPS Scene since 2005.

When my irl best friend told me about RSPS's and i was like the hell are those so he walked me through all the things i needed to know

and we joined our first server made money super quick and pretty much became eco holders. Then i joined another server year or so later and became a mod on it

And was very well known for having 22 out of 28 skills 200m. Then the rest is history and to this day if i'm not playing games on my pc i am probably on some sort of rsps

doing skilling, pvming, or melee pure pking.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Played Runescape back in 2007. I was 12, and in 7th grade. One of my friends got me into it. Then in 2008, I found out RSPS's existed, which was just an easier version of RS lol. Been playing them ever since. Last RSPS that I played, I started playing in 2014, and have been there since. Now this came out, and I've been here for the past week and a half or so.


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I started Runescape in early 2005, when i was 8 years old pretty much just explored as i didnt know how to play the game, eventually in roughly 2007 i got into skilling as i found it relaxing and I found bossing/pvm to be tedious and stressful so from that point on all i did is really skill, around then is the peak of the level 3 skiller scene and thats when i abandoned my main and became a skiller full time (even to this day). I quit Runescape with the evolution of combat even tho it didn't effect skillers much,it changed the game that I have dedicated thousands of hours to and thats when i came to the RSPS scene. Now im just that random skiller (usually ironman) on the private servers. Here we are 15 years later and i still hate combat and love cutting logs for 10 hours straight... yes im insane.

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First started playing Runescape when I heard about it in Primary School - thus was over 14+ years ago now. I remember hearing a group of guys talking about this online game by the name of Runescape; they were talking about doing some Pking an whatnot when they got home - so decided to check it out one day after school an never looked back.

Still to this day I have always played OSRS/Private Server's & even hosted a few of my own back in the day & have never not stopped playing completely. I'll have times where it get's too boring that I can't be asked to play anymore so I'll take random breaks here & there.


I have learned so much over the years and have a good open range of knownledge around Runescape & RSPS's.



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Started playing in 2001 after my brother found it on miniclip & played it pretty regularly for about 10 years. A couple of years later, my cousin introduced me to Private Servers and played them on/off since then. 

Edited by Hellish


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My elder brother and his friend one day introduced me to RuneScape in 2004. My elder brother only played it for a year or so, whereas I still play it, as well as RuneScape Private Servers to this day. I would be here all day inscribing my RuneScape stories and memories. I recently had a family amassing, and my eldest brother came across me playing Old School RuneScape mobile, and he sure got a plethora of nostalgic feels from it. 


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  • 2 years later...

Muy buenas


Yo comencé con Runescape cuando solo había 1 server,  que tiempos de , ladykilljoy ,muahahahha etc que cacerías por will, jejeje la verdad que después de algunos años lo deje , he vuelto como 3-4 veces pero con tantos cambios no lo acabo de Ender muy bien. 

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