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Everything posted by FTWImCody

  1. FTWImCody

    i cant donate

    You are literally yelling at the people trying to help you..
  2. Wow the dedication, sucks that you have not gotten the other collection yet ?
  3. This would be a nice little quality of life to be honest ? Support+1
  4. There is a In-Game drop viewer, I don't see why this would be needed tbh ? Would not be mad if it was added though
  5. Welcome to Zaros, @WU-TANG! I briefly played Elkoy I think but it was like 1-2 days ?
  6. Welcome to Zaros, @Nicole! Glad you are enjoying Zaros and thank you for eveything you are doing as an emergency nurse! Can't be that fun right now with all the stuff going on in the world ?
  7. 25% boost to obtain a skilling / boss pet for 60 minutes iirc
  8. I believe the developers are looking into this...please make a Bug Report if it is not fixed soon. ?
  9. Unfortunately all connections via a VPN are blocked from connecting ? Sorry
  10. Join the Discord and make a report in #ticket-support for your Tokens and if you purchased cannon via donations..
  11. This is being looked into by developers and has also been added as a suggestion..locking for now ?
  12. Has this been resolved? Or are you still unable to login via mobile app?
  13. Because of the stricter policies Apple puts on apps, this is unfortunately not possible ?
  14. Have brought this to the developer's attention and I think they will be implementing the option between Realist and Normal ?
  15. I have brought this to the developer attention, hoping this can be added(mostly for UIM) but would also be nice for bankers as well haha
  16. This should be in Bug Reports, but I have brought this to Staff's attention ?
  17. Support, there are a lot of slayer tasks where I only need 1-2 doses of potion before I bank again tbh
  18. Rip that sucks man ? Yea those EFEFEFE squad are always camping wildy ? Hate to hear it but glad that did not discourage you from rebuilding ?
  19. While I do agree with @November, as some one who is pretty new to PvM. It is pretty much impossible to learn this boss when you have to rely on Instance Tokens and being an Ironman means I have to gather all my own instance tokens ?
  20. This is exactly why I NEVER have my pets out, they sit in my bank. I agree prices of insurance are super high and impossible currently as I am grinding for max on Elite Ironman. I don't see them refunding this to be honest with no proof and if it wasn't a whole server DC
  21. Very nice, might check it out when/if I make my skiller ?
  22. FTWImCody

    Loot tracker

    Would be very nice to see this, support +1
  23. As a Elite Ironman, those XP drops are UNREAL lmao gratz on maxing though!
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