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Everything posted by November

  1. Welcome to Zaros 😄 hit me up for any questions.
  2. 1.- SUPPORT, there needs to be a way to imbue rings, even at the cost of GP / Slayer Points / Blood Money. 2.- No support, as said within other "instance" suggestions, the cost and rarity of the item is based also on the income of the item through drops. Keep the DWH ( BiS item ) at a high price due to it's high importance. 3.- SUPPORT, Slayer Instance Tokens are so rare, I myself sitting at 55M Slayer Experience have only accumulated around 160 tokens. 4.- Support, but I think this was already mentioned as an idea to be implemented. The wilderness being dead is an outcome of the benefits of actually imparting time into going out to PK. For normals, the cost of supplies is too high, even at the moment of obtaining a kill it yields little to no profit; IE PKing a full Dharok's Set only yields 300k - 500k profit due to fixing prices.
  3. Welcome to the server mate, hit me up for anything 😄
  4. You can't reset HP though.
  5. Support, I've planted all my Spirit Trees including in my POH and have no use for excess seeds.
  6. RIP dude, lessons are learned when shit happens. I've lost my pet to Vorkath before it's just an L you have to take.
  7. I can see the idea but I don't support it fully. Having Cerberus competed for is one of the reasons it's drops will maintain a high price, instance tokens are there for a reason and it's a trade of investing 100k per trip to see if you can get a drop.
  8. Holding off on doing WOTD until the loot is fixed, Pyromancer is gated behind an unachievable minigame.
  9. November

    Gear Guide

    What's the stats on the Rubber Chicken 'cause I feel like slapping people at Edgeville.
  10. Welcome to the server 😄 hope to see you be a 10 HP maxed account some day.
  11. November


    Welcome to the server mate 😉 hit me up for anything.
  12. One of the best ways to get started with Smithing is by completing Doric's Quest to boost up your Mining Levels which will be needed in order to obtain most of the ores you'll need. https://forum.zaros.io/topic/1349-zaros-complete-quest-guide/ Link to @Augment's complete Quest Guide, Doric's Quest included. The best method found in order to boost Smithing Levels is by doing the Blast Furnace Minigame, pushing Gold Ore in order to save time on obtaining ores for Smithing. Best way to obtain Gold Ores. ( Requirements of Lvl 40 Mining and Lvl 40 Crafting ) Head over to Blast Furnace vĂ­a the Minigames Teleport. Once downstairs, you're going to want to deposit Coins ( at the rate of around 72k GP / HR, currently bugged and draining MORE coins ) in the Coffer. Prepare your Preset so you can do each run with less clicks. Your 'Last Preset' setup should look like this. The gear setup can vary if you rely on Water Buckets to cool down Bars or Ice Gloves to directly obtain them. The process for Blast Furnace is quite simple. You withdraw your Preset with a full inventory of Gold Ore. You 'Put - ore - on' on the Conveyor Belt. Once the ore passes through the Conveyor Belt into the Melting Pot, it will fill the Bar Dispenser, from which you can obtain your bars. The bars will be too hot to obtain for a few moments, this can be bypassed by going up the stairs and down the stairs. Once you've taken your bars, you can re-do your ' Last Preset ' and start over again. Approximately 18 seconds to complete a full run at a rate of 30k XP per inventory ( Normal / Ironman ) or 5k XP ( Realist / EIM ) it should take about 444 inventories or 12,432 gold ores for 99 Smithing on Normal rates and 2,661 inventories or 74,508 gold ores for 99 on Realist rates giving about a time of 2 hours 13 minutes for Normal rates and 13 hours 18 minutes for Realist rates. 1.- Powermine Gold Ore at Crafting Guild. 2.- Head over to the Blast Furnace Minigame. 3.- Prepare your Preset. 4.- Deposit coins into the Coffer. 5.- Put your Gold Ores into the Conveyer. 6.- Rush to the stairs while the ores travel to the Melting Pot, once the ores are deposited into the Bar Dispenser.... 7.- Head upstairs, and then immediately downstairs. 8.- Claim your bars, rush over to the Bank and re-do your Preset.
  13. This will be in the history books.
  14. Nice guide and thanks for the credit! 😄
  15. That's so odd, it's 72k GP / HR on osrs you would think it'd be the same if not a little less expensive. I guess it's just a money sink, as far as it may look as excessive it'll be for the good of the server in the long run.
  16. Support for everything except the forementioned PvP weapons being PvE viable. I'll support that being implemented when Galvek isn't the only method of obtaining those weapons and 2 clans gatekeep the income of those items into the game.
  17. Support for everything except the drop rate boosts.
  18. It decreases when an action is made I think, other than that it should cost about 72k GP / HR.
  19. Who TF are these people vouching for you too though.
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