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Everything posted by Vcx

  1. I have the same problem with my alt today, unable to log in game or on forums, " wrong password " . I'm not sure if this is some kind of a techincal error from servers side or some kind of a account leak which is being lead to people getting "hacked" . I used random email on my alt so getting it back now is tricky.
  2. Try pest control, fixing things there should give you activity %. Good luck
  3. Vcx

    Forum Icons

    Yeah and maybe add different titles aswell which you can get upon completing certain tasks. Something like: Maxed stats, 1k+ certain boss kills, top 100 hiscore ranks when it will be added, etc ...
  4. What's your end goal with this account? What are you trying to achieve or do ? gl with progress
  5. Haha, i would've never imagined seeing clans fighting it out like this on private servers. Oh how the times have changed. Cool vid
  6. Vcx

    Max Cape for Skiller

    I think it would be a great addition to skillers to show off their gains and hard work.
  7. You should wait and see what merk comments on this matter, calling someone names and saying they are doing fake giveaways is prejudice against merk. What kind of proof do you have that these " scummy youtubers " are doing fake giveaways?
  8. I was hoping to see some methods you used in training your skills : c , but nice video nevertheless
  9. I have forwarded this information to merk.
  10. Ooof, you've been hella lucky. Really enjoyable seeing the entire screenshot instead of just seeing the message. Gl
  11. Vcx


    I heard they are working on it, probably going to be added back with the next update. They got alot of work on their hands so multiple updates are going to be released once.
  12. Would be nice to have custom home tele
  13. Idk, i like seeing map while doing clues or overall when i need to go somewhere. Should be a different interface for teleports and not lose map in the process.
  14. Try this section instead: https://forum.zaros.io/forum/31-appeals/ Are you sure you didn't break any rules ? Maybe you did something you shouldn't have. Hopefully you'll get this fixed as soon as possible, having your account locked must be frustrating.
  15. Now this is a progress thread, things look simple and yet pretty.
  16. Vcx

    Remove POS

    Idk, i think ge/pos is a good addition to the game i cba spamming at home for 30 minutes to get an item i'm intrested in and still pay 5-10% extra 😄
  17. Yeah, i hope people who enjoy wilderness activities more can get a chance to get some updates that would make it worth their while. Either some kind of pvm/skilling activity which would also benefit pkers .
  18. Saw many people ask about this yesterday, great to know how it can be fixed
  19. Lol, what? You get 1.6k per click ( 3.2k with rougues outfit, if it works the way it's supposed to ) You can get 15k by thieving the stall faster/same speed while you would kill a green dragon. I do not understand where do you take your 24h/570k calculations from, it's probably ~ 500k+/h ( not sure tho, haven't tested )
  20. Vcx


    High risk pking is not 50/50, it's nearly entirely skill based with a tiny bit of rng luck
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