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Zaros Update – Bounty Hunter, Ancient Casket Changes


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Thanks! But what about them TOB drop rates tho ?, and nadoes heal for absurdly high static amount that can  does make it impossible for carrying. 1 person heals for 600 if ur lucky, 200 a pop. And that's without getting stuck in a web lmaoo. Either way, until rates are fixed everyone said they CoXing, slaying, cookin anchovies or what have you. It'll be nice to experience these changes once people come back after rates are changed though  


Edited by Zebiven
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Nice work. For TOB however, one of the most important problems wasn't addressed. P3 nado heals should scale based on how much hp the player had when they procced the nado. Currently the nados heal verzik for ~150 hp regardless of health which is ludicrous. Verzik p2 health in trios should also be seriously looked into. Thanks!

Edited by Hailey
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