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Posts posted by November

  1. 1 hour ago, Soulcist said:

    A lot of people are definitely just lurking around the forums. I think the best thing would be some incentive for them to use the forums in the first place. I know of some places in the past that I've come across that if a member posted, they would obtain some type of 'point' that they could use for in-game use. Obviously this would have to be heavily moderated but it's something.

    As for the suggestion itself - sure, why not?

    Forums overall are just not what they used to be, discord is just a way better option of communicating.

  2. 16 minutes ago, Dude said:

    The 4.6B xp achievement is the only one that is unreasonably difficult for people going for 100% achievements. I don't disagree that 200m in all stats is a huge achievement in itself, but perhaps it should be a separate cape from the achievement cape, or a requirement in a future completionist cape.

    No.... that's the whole point of having HARD achievements and a chase cosmetic like the 100% achievement cape.


    9 minutes ago, Han Solo said:

    It's auto-completed for Elite players. Normal mode players will need to get 200M in all skills it appears, which makes sense.. you can max your account in less than a week.


    That's uhhh, I guess fair?

    I mean to be honest, this server will legit die before an EHCIM gets 4.6b EXP, Realists can fund themselves with supplies which makes it easier.

  3. 17 minutes ago, Han Solo said:

    I personally think there are greater additions to the donator benefits, etc. than a new rank, IMO. Lots of donator benefits currently aren't balanced or have no real purpose. I would like to see some of the zones revamped before a 10K rank debuted as well.

    These jumps from 1k to 5k and 5k to 10k are ridiculous overall.

    It's a very personal - server problem.

    Not many would actually donate to $10k.

    Only a few ( hosts ) would be able to get $10k vía buying scrolls ingame.


    There's a LOT to work on, I do see your point but there's no reason for even just a title and a new diamond icon be placed for $10k donators.

  4. 31 minutes ago, Han Solo said:

    No, personally would want to see a $2,500 donator before any of these ridiculous $10,000+ ranks were ever added.

    A $4,000 difference between ranks is ridiculous, we also have a very small community of Uber donators. 

    The bonuses and benefits of a $10k donator would obviously have nothing to do with an addition of a $2.5k donator, why not support for both being implemented?

  5. OSRS was never meant to be casual from the hours - length time to achieve a level considering the costs of membership.

    Yeah you can take breaks from RSPS's, playing once an hour to vote / do farm runs , catch up with people is okay.

  6. Support.

    54 minutes ago, Fawk said:

    I don't think you should be getting rewarded every single raid chest.

    The junk in there kinda evens it out. 95% of people that do raids in osrs don't even use those items either.

    Unsure what the current gen store price is for those items. But they could be given a slight increase so you could sell then for a bit of change?

    There's a difference between junk drops and junk drops which the function isn't even coded ingame.

  7. 49 minutes ago, idc cya said:

    im maxed on osrs + i didnt ask


    It takes an hour to collect 2m+ nmz points on old school runescape(the real game) for like 3 ring imbues. On a private server(zaros) where the game is made MUCH easier, it takes much longer to get 1 imbue. why the fuck was it made so that you need several hours doing slayer to imbue one single ring. + the fact that u need points on other shit like skips, extending tasks, and whatever else


    reason @Novembersaid no support is because the kid has 80m slayer xp on an ironman and spent his points on this shit just ignore his comment

    No support.


    Go do some slayer to imbue your rings 😉 

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