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Posts posted by Cox

  1. 5 minutes ago, Setup said:

    1) IPS has a feature for post count ranks and will more than likely be added closer to release.

    2) I’m sure when we are close to release, custom ranks will be created for each tier (related to a certain $ amount)

    3) Using an application, called iAwards, users can be rewarded forum badges for certain accomplishments completed.

    4) I think we currently have different off-topic categories already.

    We have off-topic specific categories already, you're right. We do not have an off-topic general chat which is seen in most forums where people talk about completely unrelated -but not spam- topics. This can range from help with homework to discussions on current world issues, and this has not yet been implemented on the forums, but I have a hope that it will be if more activity is seen closer to release.

  2. 7 minutes ago, Ollie V1 said:

    Disagree. No support. Should be replicating OSRS not giving such a advantage for donators and store buyers to ruin economy straight away. 


    Unfortunately you're playing a private server that relies heavily upon donations to pay the high expenses for creating and maintaining said server. If you truly want no ::store then you have to play OSRS.

  3. 8 minutes ago, Vulkar said:

    I mainly played osrs, and pre eoc osrs. I played rs3 for like a week and didnt like the action bars

    Yup, I recently tried to go back onto my account after years (RS3) and the user interface destroyed any enthusiasm I had built up before that lol ?

  4. 1 hour ago, Classic said:

    Are 1-2 letter names going to be something people can get their hands on, if so then how?

    Can they be purchased? 

    I don't think so, because the same rule has applied since the opening of their other server as well. I understand that the 2 servers are completely different entities. Still, on some level they're bound to have some of the same similarities in their foundation like in this case. I really wanted a 2 letter name myself haha, but there's nothing stopping you from making a suggestion for it. No better time to change something like that than before the server is even live!

  5. First, let me start by saying I understand that the server, as a whole, is being worked on continuously and is not in its final state. My suggestions are NOT complaints, they are like a grocery list for things that may be planned already, but that have not been implemented yet. That being said...

    1) I'd like to see some kind of tier system for activity on the forums. For example, bronze --> less than 10 posts, iron --> less than 25 posts, steel --> less than 50/75 posts, etc. However you choose to name it matters not. 

    2) It would be nice to have some customization in the forums that are linked directly to your donator level. Whether it be custom titles, custom images for names, or unique borders for the profile, really any kind of customization that would get people more involved in the forums. 

    3) Forum badges that you could earn maybe through weekend events, or in other ways that staff deems appropriate. 

    4) Perhaps a separate "off-topic general" category for discussion of non-Zaros/gaming topics. It would also be nice if this were separate from spam since this category would be held by the same rules as the other non-spam categories. 

    For now that's all I can think of and of course a lot of this could be planned already, and I acknowledge that. However, if they aren't planned then it's nice to get the ideas out into the air while there's still heavy development being done on the server to finalize it. That's what I believe anyway!


  6. Great list! I'm also in huge favor of these donator benefits that pop up in your suggestions like possibly starting from a higher wave in Inferno, having a higher pet chance, and having access to different skin colors depending on the donor level. I know that Hope already addressed a couple of the suggestions like that skin color one so that's great and hopeful!

    I do disagree with Inferno being closed though, as that could be seen as a piece of content that is very much ready to be undertaken on day 1 or 2. You would easily be maxed combat within a few hours of the server being live on a normal account and someone might want to start providing Inferno services ASAP so they will need to familiarize themselves with the mechanics of this server that may be subtly different from other servers and OSRS. Anyway, I don't see Inferno hurting the economy in any way if people take it on early. 

    I'm on the exact same page as you in regards to the ::store not ruining the eco, but David has made it very clear in the FAQ thread that they have plans for a stabilized economy server and will not be selling bis items in the ::store and will be looking to minimize the impact the ::store has on the economy in the first while of the server being live. They're aware of the mistake that other servers have made in the past causing them to die within weeks of release, and I have faith in them seeing how great Ikov is. 

    And finally, I would love for the server to open on like a x2 exp weekend with a ton of events, but I'm sure that's what they have planned since that's a really big and special occasion for everyone involved to see the fruits of their labor finally realized. Thanks to everyone involved on the staff side and in the community for this big endeavor that I'm sure will end with the #1 OSRS RSPS being Zaros.

  7. Would be interesting to have all of this if it's not too much of a hassle. I'd also like to see the "EIM" treatment for one-life modes. Instead of crowding the leader boards with a bunch of dead 1st page HCIM, it would be nice to completely remove the HCIM/EIM or whatever other one-life-mode player from the hiscores and only have their fallen status indicated by a separate hiscores or by searching their name yourself to see they were crossed out from HCIM/EIM hiscores.

    If you take a look at Ikov's hiscores for EIM and compare it to HCIM, you will have an idea of the clean look and the not-so-clean/dead-content look. It also gives even max xp HCIM/EIM a reason to stay alive instead of suiciding at max xp and forever demotivating anyone from challenging the first rank spot. 


    Anyway, it's not a serious desire, but thought I'd mention it

  8. On 6/12/2020 at 10:33 AM, Alkan Who said:

    Hi everyone! My name is Alkan Who previously from Atlas. I was super excited to hear that this was a huge project in the making and I can’t wait for it to finally release! I’m looking forward to seeing familiar faces from Atlas as well as getting to know new people! Feel free to hit me up in game whenever once it’s released, I always enjoy talking to people.

    Hey man, I'm finding it so interesting that I'm seeing quite a few people say they've come from Atlas and I'm not sure what the relationship is between here and Atlas because I never played it. I thought it was a muuuuuuch different kinda game than RS though, that pirate game right?? Or is that the name of another server lol, if so my bad. I'm not too knowledgeable in the RSPS scene!

  9. 12 hours ago, Skills said:

    Hello. Decided to introduce myself here on the forums. I've been playing RSPS" for around 10+ years and have never been the type of person to play OSRS type servers, but recently I've decided to give it a go and actually started to enjoy it. So I'm excited for the release of Zaros. I'm also a forum nerd so I'll spend quite some time here as well. ?

    Welcome bro, ye I'm a bit of a forum nerd myself and I'm pumped to see it become more active over time!

  10. 2 hours ago, Hope said:

    Everyone can obtain them.

    Just out of curiosity, how do I see information about the server? I've read the FAQs and I'm in the Discord but I don't know where to see what the server already has since it's not live. For example, to find information like this about the slayer caskets with supplies and cash in it. 

  11. 39 minutes ago, lol said:

    depending on how lockdown goes I might do this, will see how its all panned out upon release. If things go back to relative normality (uk) then I wouldn't be able to do HCIM, but should be able to do pking nonetheless. 

    Looking forward to seeing the content!

  12. Hello Setup and welcome to the server! ? You seem to have a pretty chill and positive attitude so I'm sure you'll fit in nicely here. I hope that your goals are realized with getting into software engineering soon after you complete your studies. Enjoy your stay!

  13. On 6/12/2020 at 10:47 AM, ech0es said:

    I'm almost 30 years old, been playing RS since 2002, any other OGs in here? Although I've been playing for closing in on 20 years, I'm pretty shit at the current version of OSRS, very little raid and newer content experience. But with an Accounting education, I'm a god at efficiency when it comes skilling.

    I'm a former pro gamer, I traveled all over the world playing F2P FPS games up until a few years ago when my team and I decided to hang up the capes and retire. I'm now a business owner, and aspiring Firefighter in Ontario, Canada.

    Looking forward to Zaros, seems like it will be based around a lot of my favourite aspects of OSRS.

    You and me bro, we share a lot except I never did any pro gaming haha, actually I don't own a business either lol. Soooo we share some:

    I'm 27 myself, from Ontario, Canada and I absolutely love skilling. I played Runescape since I was in grade 7 (off and on of course) which was 2004. Favorite year of playing was definitely 2007-2008, and shortly after that it went downhill if I remember correctly in terms of my experience with it. I suck at all of the new content unless I happened to try it on Ikov lol, so I'm hoping to be somewhat efficient on here, but I think it's going to come down to me being efficient with skilling because I love to do that. I always tend to push for maxed or comp before I try delving into the PVM experience, and I never PK lol. 

    I'm sure we'll run into each other in game and if there's a way to add someone on these forums right now then I'll try and add you because it seems like we have a lot in common lol. Oh I never did an education in accounting but it was honestly my very close second choice to what I ended up doing which was biological chemistry specialization. I don't regret it, but I definitely wonder what the grass looks like on the other side had I chose differently ?

  14. How this is going to work is that each person will write a 1 word comment below and then the next person will do the same with the intention of creating at least a full sentence that makes sense. The only rule is to not be discriminatory towards other races, religions and genders and to generally show respect for one another.

    I'll get the ball rolling:



  15. I would like to see this option in the ::store even if it has a limited purchase of one, two or three times. I know it can get confusing if people constantly change their names, so I'd totally support the limit, but just give us that opportunity to change it if it's technically possible and not too much of a hassle on the developer's end. Sometimes you get tired of a name after playing a server for months and months or even years and you want to have a fresh name without reversing all of the progress you did on the account and also losing your donator status to do it. This allows us to keep the account we worked hard for, the donator status we paid for, and have a new name should we want to get one. Best of all, it supports the server's development when you slap a price-tag on it. 

    I think it would be a neat thing to have, but let's see how you guys feel about it. ?


  16. I like all of these suggestions and I'd also be on board with the possibility of a cash casket drop of some amount of GP being exclusively for donators when they are killing monsters. It would encourage early donations to help people build up a cash-stack in a fresh new server. I know that you can offer it to everyone also and I guess that works too, but thought it would be pretty helpful upon release and would also prevent 30+ alt bots that aren't donators from starting to farm for cash caskets and ruin the economy early. 

  17. 20 hours ago, king said:

    Having a look at it now, anything you suggest I do at the start?

    Tbh I'm just returning after a long hiatus and I'm figuring things out myself with the new updates and characters, but I see that they've included some helpful missions for beginners to follow in the "challenges" and also along the left side of the screen when you're on the main island (just at the top of the list of things that are on the left side). It looks like they offer decent rewards too ?

  18. 11 hours ago, Suroks said:

    I'm pretty sure that once the Playstation 5 is released to the public, it will come out in different colors. As far as I know, the Playstation 4 came with different colors on release as well, such as white, black, pink and red. Perhaps a few others too.

    My memory is pretty awful but for some reason I feel like they added those extra colors at a later time and the original console came in one color, same with the Xbox One. Over the years they had special bundles with games and also the slim versions and the pro version and for each of those I believe they added new colors and patterns. I don't remember exactly though because it's been so long lol

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