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Imbued heart added to slayer caskets


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Imbued heart is great for zulrah, tob and anywhere you need high magic defence, regular accounts can simply buy one on the store, ironmen have no such luck.


With my extreme donor the chance of a superior is 1 in 105. On zaros the imbued heart/superior drop table is not boosted, it's the same as osrs so pretty rare. 


If you're killing smoke devils (the highest chance of getting a heart from the superior (hydras superior aren't added) you would need to kill 21,000 smoke devils and still then you would only have a 63% chance of getting the drop - you would need a lot of smoke devil tasks. Got a nechs task? the number is 46,200 again for a 63% chance. It increases dramatically, it's very possible mathematically if you go double the drop rate to be near 200m slayer xp on realism before getting the drop.


Add the imbued heart into slayer caskets at a rate of 1 in 2k or just increase the odds because they're crazy for a rsps or allow us to buy it from the store

Edited by GIM Tom
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  • extreme donator logoGIM Tom changed the title to Imbued heart added to slayer caskets

+1, was about to make a similar suggestion to buff imbued heart drop rate or to allow ironman to add it. I like the slayer casket idea as well. Whatever they decide they need to make the item more accessible to ironman.

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